Oil Palm Technology

Everything you need to know about oil palm technology


Oil palm is the most important source of edible oils. More than one third of all the fats and oils consume by the world come from oil palm. But palm oil is not only food, you can find it in cosmetics, soaps, pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, and biofimg_0276uels. To deliver a sustainable product, a lot of research is done by scientists in Malaysia, Indonesia, France, Colombia and many other countries. This is a site where you will find the latest advances on oil palm research, published and unpublished, coming from my many years of experience as an oil palm scientist.  The goal is for you to become a better grower, a better producer and of course a better consumer.

Did you know that the carbon footprint of oil palm produced in Colombia is 606? That means that to produce 1 metric ton of oil palm fruits, the crop sequesters 606 kg of CO2 equivalents. That is what I call a real friend of the environment!!!!